вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

introduction; some facts about rostov;

Hello dear guests! Welcome to Rostov-on-Don, I’m Dasha, today I’ll be your guide, the name of our today’s excursion is “Pushkinskay Street ”.
First of all I would like to tell some words about Rostov.Rostov-on-Don is port of five seas, industrial, scientific and cultural center of the south of the country, an impotant railway junction.
Demyan Bedni and Valentin Kataev in their poetic improvisation had noticed:
There are no simple conclusion.
Whatever you would do
   But you should know for sure:
   I’ll honestly tell you
                        More life than there are in Rostov
                        Can't ever find you  

In the city there are 543 monuments of architecture, 57- of archeology, 18- of monumental art of federal and local significance. United fund of museum collections forms 208 thousand units of issue. Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities of Russian Federation with population over one million people. Area of the city is 354 sq. km., the distance from Moscow- 1226 km. It is political, economical and cultural center of the southern region of Russia.Many tourists may notice that the Rostov women are beautiful. The guests of Rostov will admire tasty food, beautiful interiors and a wide choice of entertainment.The main square of the city is Theatre Square. The Drama Theatre facing this square was built in 1930 in the style of constructivism and it has the form of a tractor. Another large street of Rostov is Pushkinskaya Street, named after the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, whose monument you can see just in the centre of the street.